Horse and human farm animal sanctuary


We love getting different poems, drawings and more from our visitors. Here we will showcase them.

Ode to the animals


The Beauty that is the horse

In the silence of the stable,
By the whisper of the wind,
There’s a knowledge deep and humble,
That the horses bring within.
Not of words or of the mind’s eye,
But a truth that’s felt and seen,
In the quiet, honest moments,
Where the soul meets the serene.

With each hoofbeat, there’s a rhythm,
A dance of life’s pure grace,
And in their gentle presence,
We find a sacred space.
For they teach us without speaking,
How to listen, how to be,
In the wisdom of their being,
We learn to be free.


Horses gallop, manes untamed,
In their eyes, the world’s reframed.
With every stride, they show the way,
To find the light within the gray.
So let us learn from their quiet grace,
To slow our pace, to find our place,
In the rhythm of their tranquil stride,
We see a world that’s open wide.
For in the company of these gentle souls,
We find the noise of life, unfolds,
And in the calm, we come to see,
The beauty in simplicity.

Yoyos' got horns

Hi, I am Yoyo, I am quite a clown 

When I arrived, my life turned upside down 

 I used to be thin and weak at the knees 

I’d never seen paddocks or creeks or such trees 

 When I first got here and limped off the truck 

I could not imagine I’d found so much luck 

 I ate and I ate and I ate all I saw 

And soon I was strong, but could still eat some more 

 I’ll always be different, I have wonky horns 

Good for protection, good for the thorns 

 My brothers are big and full of pure muscle 

But now I have grown we play and we tussle 

Now I am well I’ve learned how to lead 

I set the pace, the journey to feed 

My brothers they follow because I am smart 

My brothers they follow, they know I have heart 

I have my own paddock to feed by the barn 

I know I must use it to keep out of harm 

I eat and I eat and I eat all, its fun 

I even push horses, who once made me run. 

Farm animal sanctuary

Call me

Farm animal sanctuary

My name is Halina, call me Hally instead 

My favourite thing ever is to be fed 

I love apples and carrots and plenty of hay 

I live at Farmfari and forever will stay 

I live with my sisters, Elsie and Belle 

And all of our farm friends, we do really well 

Elsie is boss mare and keeps all in check 

Belle is the shy one who scratches my neck 

My name is Halina, I love to run and to jump 

I splash in the dam then I run buck and flump!! 

I love being with humans, I feel your intent 

I know what you’re thinking I know what you meant 

Your hand on my mane is all that I need 

To feel your emotion and to follow your lead 

I sometimes get scared when I don’t understand 

But to show that you love me, just give me your hand 

My name is Halina, call me Hally instead 

Come to me everybody, its time to be fed. 

Leonard, Penny & Howie

Farm Animal Sanctuary

We are Leonard and Penny and Howie makes three 

We run all day long, we run and we’re free 

We roam paddock to paddock and up in the bush 

We will venture further, we love to rush 

Our legs may be small but our hearts they are big 

We once were mistaken, mistaken for a pig 

Our place in the herd is not at the top 

But if anyone challenges, they will come a crop 

We are sturdy, we are strong 

We are here, we belong 

Whenever there is danger, we are first there 

We are small in size but we act like a bear 

Howie is special, a foal who was born here 

We are all loved, he is especially dear 

With his cream coloured fur and his brilliant blue eyes 

He is learning his manners, oh how he tries 

We stick together and watch our back 

But our friendships extend to the rest of the pack 

Our brothers and sisters are bigger you see 

But we are contented with our grand family 

Amber the fiery red dragon

Amber, fiery red dragon, is what they first said 

I’d run and I’d snort and I’d shake my head 

I didn’t like humans, no not at all 

Had never seen kindness, nor heard a kind call 

After two years I see, they can be quite good 

They give me respect, give me love, give me food 

I’ll never want them to ride on my back 

I’d rather be free to run with my pack  

I no longer flee, I no longer hide 

I even quite like to be alongside 

I’m happy that I was given a chance 

To show my true colours, to roll and to prance 

I’ve found my tru role, as lookout and scout 

I can spot danger and warn with a shout 

I nicker when I see them come through the gate 

I see what they’re doing and patiently wait 

If they approach with a smile and a treat 

I will always go to them, and paw with my feet 

Farm Animal Sanctuary
Farm Animal Sanctuary

Now I am Bob

We are now two brothers, He’s Chas and I’m Bob 

We squabble and fun-fight and lark with our mob 

Chas is the elder and doesn’t he know it 

I am the younger, trying hard not to show it 

I’m big and I’m strong and I now use my head 

At first I was angry and kept seeing red 

But Chas he was patient and Chas he was kind 

He showed me to be, without losing my mind 

Its hard fitting in when you’re new to the herd 

It takes quite a while to stop feeling absurd 

I was a number without any name 

Now I am Bob, I am proud and I’m tame 

Now I have learned about being a horse 

My friends they have taught me, I’m now happy of course 

So now we all eat and now we all play 

And now we all race to the next pile of hay 

We roll in the mud and we scratch on the trees 

And when it is snack-time we always say please 

Life at Farmfari is fun and its good 

I love living life with Chas, my best bud! 

Farm Animal Sanctuary

Ellie the shire horse

I’m Ellie the shire horse and I like my hay 

I came to Farmfari and now I will stay 

I’m big and I’m tall, I’m strong and I’m bold 

You’re never too sure I’ll do what I’m told 

I try and I try and I try as I might 

But sometimes the little things just give me a fright 

Always a while to build up my trust 

So patience and kindness for me is a must 

I lead and protect all in the herd 

Sometimes for order, it takes more than a word 

We are a team, a real family 

We did not come together, but now live happily 

My side-kick is Brom, she’s smart and she’s fun 

She outsmarts the humans and is loved by everyone 

At feedtime we stand outside of the shed 

Waiting impatiently for all to be fed 

There’s pushing and shoving until food comes along 

Then we breathe out our happiness – its here we belong 

Farm Animal Sanctuary

Kirra Kirra on the wall

My name is Kirra and I am so sweet 

I’m the gentlest horse you ever will meet 

I’m young and I’m happy and love to have fun 

I’ll start the gallop, just watch us all run 

I love the feeling of being alive 

As I am running, I’ll give a high-five 

Life wasn’t always as good as it’s now 

I’ve seen and felt pain, I do remember how 

That was before, before I was here 

This place that is loving, a place I hold dear 

The grass it is green and so are the trees 

The branches and leaves blow gently in the breeze 

And when it is stormy and cold at night 

The humans give shelter and a coat if its right 

Our herd is now growing, with souls who need care 

I see them, I feel them, compassion that’s rare 

We all work together as part of a team 

I sleep and I wake its not just a dream. 

Farm Animal Sanctuary

Slyvie and the howl of happiness

Sylvie, Sylvie’s here and there 
Sylvie, Sylvie is every where 
Down by the tractor, down by the shed 
Everywhere you look, even in bed 
A doggie’s work is never done 
Out in the rain, out in the sun 
Keeping an eye on all of the farm 
Making sure, no one comes to harm 
Feeding the pigs, feeding the cows 
Always busy, even now 
Feeding the horses, feeding the goats 
Here comes a storm, on with the coats 
Out on the quad, out on the truck 
What a great life, I fell on my luck 
After the work is over and done 
Its now my time to have some fun 
I run through the fields, I run through the trees 
I just can’t help it, I’m still trying to please 
If I see any nasties, I give out a growl 
If I see my humans I give happiness howls 

Whose poo is poo?

One morning Sylvie woke to find mum was sad, but she wasn’t sure why. She went to the door and from there she could see, mum’s pretty new flowers were gone! But where could they be? 

Sylvie wondered what she could do.  She would find mums flowers, but she needed a clue. She looked and sniffed and looked and sniffed. Peeeeeew! Sylvie found a clue! The clue was poo! 

The mystery poo was not perfectly round, but they were little black balls, in a pile, on the ground. Sylvie couldn’t use her nose but maybe a paw… She split one in half with the tip of a claw. Inside it was different- a yellowish green. Not like any poo Sylvie had seen. 

Confused, Sylvie went to see Halley the horse. She already knew it wasn’t horse poo of course. Horse poo is bigger and smells just like straw. Quite tasty, thought Sylvie spying some by her paw. She lowered her head. Maybe just a nibble… 

“Oi! You there!” she heard “That’s horse poo not kibble!” Embarrassed, she blushed and pulled away her nose. Halley was watching with a horrified pose. “I was hoping you’d help me.” Sylvie said rather quickly. “I found myself with a poo related mystery.” 

Sylvie explained about mum’s missing flowers. Halley listened intently, then applied deductive powers. “It’s not yours or mine, so let me think now” She thought, “have you tried asking a cow?” Sylvie was disappointed. Halley wasn’t much help. But hopefully she would keep the poo snacking to herself…. 

Now the cows always stand with their herd on the farm. Being all together, keeps them from harm. Caesar and fringy, and don’t forget yo-yo. He has horns which make even the bravest dogs go-go. But Wally the cow was the friendliest of all. He and Sylvie like to play, Especially with a ball.  

“Wally?” Sylvie called, and the cow lumbered towards her. “How are you doing?” Wally asked. Sylvie shook her head, looking sombre. Someone took mums flowers, but I don’t know who I’m investigating, but I only have one clue 

Oh no, I bet she’s sad I hope I can help. Please tell me the clue maybe I know who. So Sylvie described the poo. Nooooo said, Wally, shaking his head I’m really sorry, I wish I knew. Whose poo was this poo. Mine as you can see, doesn’t look like that 

It’s sloppy and mushy and almost flat. Sylvie looked and saw what he said, was true. There’s no way the mystery poo was cow poo. Back to the drawing board Sylvie sighed as she sat. Then an idea struck. I should ask Mr wombat! Mr Wombat lives on the farm in a burrow. Sylvie wanted to visit, but mum always said no. 

But this was important, I’m sure Mum won’t mind. It’s a mystery flower taker I’m trying to find. Sylvie went to the burrow entrance. “Oh, it’s dark in there and full of rocks”, Sylvie hesitated. She hoped it was Mr wombats home, and not that of a fox. 

She decided for mum she was going to be brave. Then she crept very cautiously into the cave. Hello Mr wombat, she whispered voice, trembling. There was no reply, but she could hear grumbling. Down down down the tunnel, it seemed to go on and on. The grumble, now loud, and the light almost gone. Sylvie thought, maybe this wasn’t such a good idea.

No wonder mum said not to come down here. Sylvie was scared she forgot about the mystery. Let’s go home, she thought before I’m history. Purple script on the ground as she was turning to scamper. As she turned, she tripped and fell with a clatter.

BOING! CRACK! Scramble and THWACK! Sylvie was too scared to look back . “GRR-HARUMPF” she heard from behind her. She thought that the creature would surely find her. She burst out of the tunnel homeward bound . 

She glanced back to see a creature emerge from the ground. She stopped. She dropped. She was down on all fours. The creature was big, brown and furry, with paws. It wasn’t a fox, a scary creature or anything bad. 

It was Mr wombat after all – although he did look mad. “ what are you doing?” he said with a moan. “ I was asleep. Why were you in My Home?” “ I’m so sorry, Mr wombat” Sylvie, said quite ashamed. “ I didn’t realise you were asleep” she quietly explained. 

“ I’m a nocturnal animal, that’s something you should know” “ I’m sorry again Mr wombat. I’ll go.” “ hold on Sylvie” Mr wombat said. “ you may as well ask me, since I’m now out of bed.” 

Sylvie felt guilty, but there wasn’t a lot she could do. She said sorry again and then describe the poo. Mr wombat listened intently as the details were shared. Then surprised Sylvie when he said “ wombat poo is squared.” “ squared?” Sylvie gasped. “ well cubed” he replied. Sylvie was amazed, But then she sighed. I’m never going to find who left the mystery poo. Mums flowers are gone and there’s nothing I can do. 

“ I’m sorry I couldn’t help” Mr wombat said, rubbing his eye. “ but I’m going back to bed until the moon is in the sky.” Mr wombat trundled home And Sylvie decided she would too. 

She had tried, but it was still a mystery poo. She started back sadly, head hung low to the floor. She trudged back until SQUISH! Something squashed under her paw! “Peeeeeeeew!” She exclaimed, and stepped back. “ that’s disgusting!”  

She shook her paw, and brown thing started dislodging. It was definitely poo She thought dismayed. But it didn’t smell like a horses poo…You know… with hay… It wasn’t flat and sloppy like wally described. And it certainly didn’t have six sides. 

It was a small pile of balls it would seem. Black on the outside and the inside yellowish green. There was a spark is Sylvie made a connection in her brain. This wasn’t THE mystery poo, But it looks the same! Sylvie is I started around. She paced and circled, nose to the ground. 

Then she heard a rustle, followed by a hop. Hip, hop, hippity, hop “STOP” Sylvie then saw them. It was a small group of six. They were kangaroos. And they were jumping, until Sylvie stopped the hop. They looked suspicious. Sylvie got nearer. 

Don’t scare them, she thought. And got just close enough so they’d hear her. “ excuse me, by any chance have you been up to the door? Did you see flowers sitting in a pot on the floor?”  The nearest Roo looked at Sylvie and tilted his head. He glanced at the others. 

Then looked at Sylvie and said “ we were there this morning and those flowers were extra tasty” The roos saw Sylvie’s shock and said “ perhaps we were hasty” “ you ate them?” Sylvie cried. “ we didn’t mean to be rude, But you see flowers are our favourite food. 

We are sorry’” the little Roo said, head low.  “ we didn’t realise they were special. Honestly, we didn’t know.” Sylvie looked at the Roos. They were sad, she could see. And she knew exactly what it was like to feel guilty. She thought for a while And then an idea 

“ I know where you should go! Come look at what’s near!” Sylvie led them up and over the hill at the back, between the tree and then off down the track. There’s a clearing ahead with luscious grass, succulent leaves and oooh what’s that?  

Bright pretty flowers that make a perfect treat,  just what Roos love to eat!  “Thank you Sylvie!” the little roo said,  “from now on we’ll nibble these flowers instead.” Sylvie went home as she’d solved the mystery but mums plant pot still looked rather empty.  

The next morning Sylvie woke to find mum was so cheerful. Someone had left flowers for her. A whole pot full! Sylvie looked around and spotted a clue. The mystery flower giver had left a small poo! I recognise that poo exclaimed Sylvie, tail wagging. That’s roo poo!  

I know it! I know it I do! 

Farm Animal Sanctuary
Farm Animal Sanctuary
Farm Animal Sanctuary
Farm Animal Sanctuary
Farm Animal Sanctuary
Farm Animal Sanctuary
Farm Animal Sanctuary

Wollombi Wally

Woo-hoo-mooooo, I”m free to roam,  
I’m Wollombi Wally and this is my home. 

There’s grass and there’s trees

There’s bush and a creek 

Both silence and noise with a grunt and a squeak 

Ooh ooh Mooooo, there’s a gate… 
Who lives here, I cannot wait 
Let me see who’s behind this gate…. 

Moo  moo  mooooooo 
Now I see 
Its Hungry horses eating happily 
There is Ellie, there is Brom 
Quick, quick Wally, here they come 

Ooh ooh Mooooo, another gate… 
Who lives here, I cannot wait 
Let me see who’s behind this gate… 
Moo  moo  mooooooo 
Now I see 
Darling donkeys dining daintily 
There is Marjorie, there is Jack 
Quick, quick Wally they’re turning back. 

Ooh ooh Mooooo, another gate… 
Who lives here, I cannot wait 
Let me see who’s behind this gate… 
Moo  moo  mooooooo 
Now I see 
Chubby cows chewing chompily 
There is caesar  there is Yo-yo 
Quick, quick Wally time to go go 

Ooh ooh Mooooo, another gate… 
Who lives here, I cannot wait 
Let me see who’s behind this gate… 
Moo  moo  mooooooo 
Now I see 
Perfect piggies all higgledy piggeldy 
There is Potus , there is Flo 
Quick quick Wally off we go 

Ooh ooh Mooooo, another gate… 
Who lives here, I cannot wait 
Let me see who’s behind this gate… 
Moo  moo  mooooooo 
Now I see 
Gorgeous goats grazing greedily 
There is Gerald, there is Ben 
Quick  quick Wally, look there’s ten 

Ooh ooh Mooooo, another gate… 
Who lives here, I cannot wait 
Let me see who’s behind this gate… 

Moo  moo  mooooooo 
Now I see 
Silky sheep scampering sillily 

There is Sally, there is Sue 

Ooh, also a sneaky Roo! 

Ooh ooh Mooooo, another gate… 
Who lives here, I cannot wait 
Let me see who’s behind this gate… 

Moo  moo  mooooooo 
Now I see 
Beautiful birds bantering babbily 
There is Dotty, there is Jed 
Quick quick Wally, its time for bed

Farm Animal Sanctuary